Purogene Water Treatment Preserver Free Shipping

Additional Information about PUROGENE: ( Adobe Acrobat Reader Required If you don't have it, you can download it free by clicking here.)
Definition of Chlorine Dioxide (PUROGENE Brand) at wikipedia.com
How to Disinfect a Water Storage System
For RV and Marine Water Systems
3R PUROGENE is a 2% solution of stabilized chlorine dioxide, ClO2 (contains no free
chlorine). Chlorine dioxide is recognized safe for drinking water treatment for more than
50 years. It is EPA registered for use in drinking water.
Unlike some water treatments that take hours to work and leave a bad after-taste, 3R
PUROGENE makes water fresh the moment it enters the container, from a drinking glass
to a plastic, metal, or fiberglass storage tank. 3R PUROGENE is non-toxic and
biodegradable, presenting no harm to the environment or the user.
One ounce of 3R PUROGENE will purify thirty (30) gallons of drinking water, as well as
control the build-up of slime and odor-causing bacteria in any drinking water system in RV
units, campers, trailers, and boats.
Water treatment to control the build-up of slime and odor-causing bacteria and enhance the
taste of stored drinking water. Drinking water should be treated at a rate of 1 fl oz (2
tablespoons) of 3R PUROGENE per 30 gallons of water (5 ppm ClO2 concentration). This
treatment will provide bacteria growth control, fresh taste and odor control to the water.
Treat each new addition of drinking water to the freshwater tank at the ratio of 1 fl oz (2
tablespoons) of 3R PUROGENE per 30 gallons of drinking water. Treat as often as
necessary to maintain the fresh taste and odor control.
Disinfecting the drinking water system (50 ppm ClO2 concentration): Place 1/3 fl oz
(2 teaspoons) of 3R PUROGENE per gallon of water tank capacity (example: 30-gallon
tank x 1/3 = 10 fl oz of 3R PUROGENE) into a clean plastic or glass container. To this add
1/2 tsp of Citric Acid Activator Crystals (Lemi-Shine dishwasher booster may also be
used, same amount) per ounce of Purogene (4 ounces citric acid/quart Purogene) and let
it stand for 5 minutes. DO NOT breathe the fumes! Pour the sanitizing solution into the
water tank and fill the tank with potable water. Turn on the water pump and drain a small
amount of water from each of the faucets including hot water faucets so that the sanitizing
solution gets into the entire system. Then refill the tank with potable water to replace
drawn off solution. Let the system full of sanitizing solution stand for at least 1 hour. After
the hour, drain the tank and refill with potable water treated with 5 ppm of ClO2 as
described above. Draw off some water from all faucets including the water heater tank to
purge the sanitizing solution. To maintain the tank, repeat this procedure as often as
Its PUROGENE® which has been refined to its maximum purity and sodium chlorite (e.g. 100%) has been added. On activation, Purogene produces a lot of chlorine dioxide, greatly increasing its antimicrobial activity As stated in the supplement facts section, the Purogene fact box displays broad-spectrum activity demonstrated to be effective against the pathogen Legionella organisms, Streptococcus, Salmonella, and Staphylococcus. Biolifeck is effective against the removal and removal of biofilm can be followed by treatment and control.
Note: Citric acid crystals are added at the rate of 4 ounces per quart of Purogene.
Example: 100-gallon tank = 32 ounces of Purogene + 4 ounces of Citric Acid Crystals
1 tablespoon = 3 teaspoons, 1 ounce = 2 tablespoons
Rev: 5/14/2020
Containers: Water containers must be free of oil, detergent, ammonia, and organic
contaminates. Do not use steel containers with exposed metal which will come in contact
with the stored water. Steel drums must be plastic lined.
Water: The water to be stored must be potable (safe to drink). Low mineral content is
preferred (reverse osmosis or distilled). Water should be bacteria-free and free of organic
1. Put 1 ounce (2 tablespoons) of Purogene for every 30 gallons of container capacity
into the container. Fill the container with potable water and seal it airtight.
2. Store the container out of sunlight and in as cool a place as possible. Containers
that is not completely opaque and are stored in a location that might be exposed
to even a small amount of sunlight must be covered with a completely opaque
cover (such as heavy gauge black plastic). Exposure to sunlight will deteriorate
the Purogene and render it ineffective in microbial control.
The ClO2 concentration in the stored water must be checked at least once a year. For
containers that are stored at high temperatures or may have been exposed to sunlight
(semi-opaque or non-opaque), the water should be checked more frequently.
1. Using an Oxystix™ test strip or test kit specified for Purogene (standard chlorine
dioxide test strips and kits will NOT work for Purogene), check the stored water for ClO2
concentration. If the ClO2 concentration is .5 PPM (1/2 Part Per Million) or less, retreat the
water with Purogene at the rate of 1 ounce (2 tablespoons) per 30 gallons.
2. Check for clarity and odor. If water is cloudy or odor is objectionable, it is
recommended to discard the water. Containers should then be cleaned and disinfected in
accordance with the “Disinfecting the drinking water system” on the other side of this
document before using again for storing water.