Mylar Bags

Mylar Bags
All Sizes of Mylar Plastic Bags available up to 55 gallon size. Most sizes are available in either zip-lock or heat seal-able type and ships Free when ordered with Buckets
Other sizes are available, just give us a call with your size requirements.
  • Get your oxygen absorbers to preserve the food your.
  • What is a Mylar® Bag

    A Mylar bag in its basic form, is a CLEAR material made from polyester resin.and is used by a large number of companies and for many different applications. Many of the greeting card stores sell Mylar products such as Balloons.

    The most popular use of Mylar bags is evident in the food Industry. Many manufacturing companies require certain types of food packaging that seals these foods so that moisture or air does not get into the food. The food is packaged with oxygen and moisture removed and the bag is heat sealed to preserve the produce for an indefinite period of time. This type of food preservation is now available to the general public ,through the use of Mylar Bags and Oxygen Absorbers.

    Polyester film, (mylar) when laminated to aluminum foil provides additional barrier properties and higher puncture resistance than any metallized polyester structure. An aluminum foil layer acts like a FLEXIBLE can providing the best possible barrier properties.

    These Zip and non-sip lock Mylar bags are used for food and water storage is a convenient way to food to avoid contamination.

    It will help keep out water, rodents and bugs. If the bag is The Non-Zip Lock Mylar Bag it can be sealed with a ordinary clothes iron or you may purchase a Heat Sealer Here.

    If a sealed Mylar Plastic Bag is used along with an oxygen absorber, you can expect protection from oxygen and moisture as well. The Benefits of using Mylar are truly endless.

    Many farmers and ranchers use Mylar Plastic Bags for animal feed storage as well as seed or plant storage. The uses for Mylar Bags is quite endless. and is only limited by your imagination.

    Typical Applications:
  • Breads, cookies, cakes, pastries
  • Nuts and snacks
  • Candies and confectioneries
  • Coffee and tea
  • Whole fat dry foods
  • Processed, smoked and cured meats Cheeses and dairy products
  • Dried fruits and vegetable
  • Spices and seasonings
  • Flour and grain items
  • Fresh and precooked pasta and noodles
  • Pharmaceuticals and vitamins
  • Medical diagnostic kits and devices
  • Birdseed and pet food
  • Artwork preservation

  • * Notice;On Special Free Shipping Item Returns,Actual Shipping charges will be deducted from customer refunds on any returned Free shipping item.Customer is responsible for shipping charges for delivery and return of the item.
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